YIOT Youth
The Young Israel of Teaneck has a vibrant Youth Department with events for all ages. We have weekly Shabbos morning groups for grades Nursery-2nd grade, Junior Congregation for 3rd-5th graders as well as weekly a Mommy and Me. We have monthly events including Shabbos Onegs, movie nights, holiday themed events like Sukkah decorating and Tu Bshvat planting, and family events like ice skating and a trip to the farm. Please join us for more fun! For more information please contact Malki Gerstle at Malki.Gerstle@yiot.org
Youth Events
- YIOT Youth Groups return to Shul in the downstairs classrooms! Grades N-2 10am.
- Join us for Mommy and Me 10:30am downstairs in the classroom,
- Masks for unvaccinated individuals are required.
- Email Malki.Gerstle@yiot.org with any questions.
Sat, January 18 2025
18 Teves 5785
Candle Lighting 1/17 4:38
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00
Monday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Tuesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Wednesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Thursday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Friday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Weekday Mincha
4:35 pm
Weekday Maariv
Monday 9:15
Tuesday 9:15
Wednesday 9:15
Thursday 9:15