Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact the Rabbi?
email:, phone: 201.837.1710
Who can answer any other questions?
email:, phone: 201.837.1710
How do I become a member?
Something is wrong with my online account. Who can fix this?
How can I get my statement of what I owe or what I donated?
You can generate a statement for any year or time period you would like by:
- Sign into your account at
- Go to "My Account" on the Members tab
- Go to "My Billing" from the dropdown menu
- Under "Transactions", click on "Search by Date Range"
- Choose the dates to see any payment(s)
How can I setup a recurring credit card payment?
- Sign into your account at
- Go to "My Account" on Members tab
- Go to "My Billing" from the dropdown menu
- At the right of the page, click on "Submit a Payment"
- Then, next to "Pay this amount" choose your recurring amount instead of "Once Now"
How do I pay my membership dues?
- Sign into your account at
- Go to "My Account" on the Members tab
- Go to "My Billing" from the dropdown menu
- At the right of the page, click on "Submit a Payment"
- Then, next to "Pay this amount" choose your recurring amount instead of "Once Now"
How much does membership cost?
- Membership is $1,075 per year.
- Our Building Fund is $7,500 which should be paid in full within 5 years of becoming a YIOT member.
Thu, February 27 2025
29 Shevat 5785
Candle Lighting 2/28 5:28
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00
Monday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Tuesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Wednesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Thursday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Friday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Weekday Mincha
5:30 pm
Weekday Maariv
Monday 9:15
Tuesday 9:15
Wednesday 9:15
Thursday 9:15
Thu, February 27 2025 29 Shevat 5785