Adult Education
The Dr. Bertram J. z"l & Ann Newman Adult Education Program
The Young Israel of Teaneck Adult Education offers a wide variety of daily and weekly shiurim plus an amazing array of guest speakers and learning opportunities. Our goal is to offer a diverse range of engaging programming that helps our members grow in their Avodat Hashem.
For any questions or for sponsorship opportunities, please contact Daniel Lowe.
Ongoing Learning Opportunities
The Raye & Leo Ressler z"l Daf HaShavua Program
Join Rabbi Krohn and your fellow community members for an opportunity to learn gemara in a meaningful way and at a steady pace. The shiur covers one daf per week. Join us live each morning or follow the shiur on the WhatsApp group. This program is for men and women.
Lunchtime Learning for Women
Mondays, 12:30-1:15, Beit Midrash
Join Rabbi Krohn and your friends for a weekly Torah-based discussion on a timely topic.
The 39 Melachos of Shabbos
Wednesdays, 8:15 pm, Beit Midrash
Have you wanted to understand the laws of Shabbos in a more meaningful way? With a balance of in-depth learning and practical, everyday applications, this weekly shiur will take learners of all levels on a journey to enhance their knowledge and experience of Shabbos. For men and women. Contact Rabbi Krohn.
Shabbat Learning
Navi Club, 8:00 am
For men, teens and boys of all ages. Fun, informal summary and discussion of a different perek each week. no prior knowledge of Navi or text required. Contact: Michael Gutlove.
Parsha Shiur, 8:30 am
Men and women are welcome. Given by Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin, or David Scharf (alternating weeks). Social Hall
Hashkama Shiur, 9:00 am
An in-depth and interactive discussion of topics related to melacha, with a focus on conceptual analysis. No prior knowledge required from week to week. Men and women are welcome. Given by David Schwartz.
Women's Torah Learning and Coffee (TLC), 10:15 am
Share and discuss the weekly parsha and other Jewish topics. All women are welcome. Rotating homes. Contact: Chana Stiefel.
Women's Parsha Shiur, Shabbat afternoon
Analyze the weekly parsha according to classic and contemporary sources, including Rav Shimshon Refael Hirsch, Kli Yakar, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Rav Yissocher Frand, and more. Rotating homes. Contact: Goldie Minkowitz
Gemara Chabura, 40 minutes before mincha
Currently learning Masechet Makos. Each member can participate at any comfort level. Beit Midrash. Contact: Harvey Schatz.
Daf Yomi Chaburah, 40 minutes before mincha
Learn the day's Daf together as a group. Beit Midrash. Contact: Harold Luber.
Adult Education Committee
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Dr. Daniel Lowe (Chair) | Dror Barber | Judith Cukor |
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Aliza Ellberger | Rabbi Steven Penn | Shlomo Yaros |
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
Candle Lighting 2/14 5:12
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00
Monday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Tuesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Wednesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Thursday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Friday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Weekday Mincha
5:10 pm
Weekday Maariv
Monday 9:15
Tuesday 9:15
Wednesday 9:15
Thursday 9:15