Women's Weekly Shiur
All of these Shiurim will be recorded and posted on YIOT's WhatsApp Torah Group. https://chat.whatsapp.com/
Aleph Beta
Weekday Online Learning
Shabbos Shiurim
Parsha Shiur -- 8:30am. All are welcome. Given by David Bashevkin (social hall) or Ari Nat (groups room)
Hashkama Shiur -- 9:00am. All are welcome. Given by David Schwartz (social hall)
Navi Club for Men -- 10:00am. Given by Michael Gutlove (social hall)
Women's Torah Learning and Coffee -- apx 10:15am. (in rotating homes-contact office@yiot.org for location)
Women's Afternoon Shiur -- see bulletin for times (in various locations)
Masekhet Gittin Chabura -- Shabbos afternoon, see newsletter for details
Shalosh Seudot shiur-- see newsletter for times (in social hall)
Weekday Shiurim
Daf HaShavua -- meets 6 a.m. Monday through Thursday in YIOT social hall. All welcome. Receive recordings and updates through our Daf HaShavua WhatsApp group.
Mincha/Maariv Shiur -- given Sunday through Thursday between mincha and maariv. See our calendar for mincha times. All are welcome.
Women's Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Krohn -- Mondays, 1:15pm, @ Hod. All women are welcome.
Men's Contemporary Topic Chabura -- Tuesdays, 9:15pm @ various homes. See weekly newsletter for location.
Rabbi Krohn Shiurim
Halachic Parameters of Charitable Giving
Mechitza Shiur for Men
Sat, January 18 2025
18 Teves 5785
Candle Lighting 1/17 4:38
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00
Monday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Tuesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Wednesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Thursday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Friday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Weekday Mincha
4:35 pm
Weekday Maariv
Monday 9:15
Tuesday 9:15
Wednesday 9:15
Thursday 9:15