Bar & Bat Mitzvah Program
Bar & Bat Mitzvah Programs
Bar Mitzvah Program
The YIOT Bar Mitzvah Program is an opportunity for boys in their Bar Mitzvah year (7th grade) to spend time as a group, learning with Rabbi Krohn for breakfast in preparation for their Bar Mitzvah. Come join Rabbi Krohn for learning. All boys in 7th grade are invited to participate, even if they have already celebrated their bar mitzvah. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take place immediately following the 8 am Shacharit. Contact Rabbi Krohn with any questions at
Sun 10/10 Why Wear a Yarmulka?
Sun 12/19 Why Do We Daven?
Sun 2/13 The Responsibility that Comes with Being Chosen
Sun 5/22 BBQ at the Krohn's
Bat Mitzvah Program
The YIOT Bat Mitzvah Program, coordinated by our rebbetzin, Chani Krohn, encourages girls in their Bat Mitzvah year (6th grade) to spend time as a group, as they are exposed to various chessed opportunities. The goal is to empower our young women to discover for themselves the areas of chessed that speak to them most. Contact Chani Krohn with any questions at
Sept, Yad Leah
Oct, Jewish Family and Children Services
Dec, Friendship Circle
Feb, Jewish Home at Rockleigh
May, Masbia Soup Kitchen
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
Candle Lighting 2/14 5:12
Weekday Shacharit
Sunday 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00
Monday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Tuesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Wednesday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Thursday 6:20, 7:05 & 8:00
Friday 6:30, 7:05 & 8:00
Weekday Mincha
5:10 pm
Weekday Maariv
Monday 9:15
Tuesday 9:15
Wednesday 9:15
Thursday 9:15